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Mosaic Puffball

Always a good find when out foraging from Summer through to Autumn. Last years ‘stumps’ can often be found as an indication that more will appear at some point in...

False Saffron Milkcap

Not as good as the true Saffron Milkcap but a tasty find none the less and more common....

Freckled Dapperling

Formerly a member of the genus Lepiota, this mushroom has undergone quite a few taxanomic changes and is now accepted as a member of genus Echinoderma (meaning hedgehog or porcupine...

Blackening Waxcap

A fairly common, sometimes brightly coloured Waxcap found growing in grassy locations from summer until late Autumn. As the name suggests, the mushroom becomes black where touched or completely black...

Butter Cap

A very variable and common woodland mushroom, which is a shame as although edible it has a poor taste....

Yellow False Truffle

Mainly found in sandy Scottish pine forests this truffle or potato looking fungi breaks the surface making it a lot easier to find than any true truffle....

Curry Milkcap

It’s fairly easy to identify milkcaps as a genus but it can be hard to identify to species as quite a few look similar but with it’s clear milk with...

Bruising Webcap

This edible but rather bitter tasting (meaning inedible to me) Wood Blewit look-a-like can usually be differentiated by having some of the cortina or ‘web’ still covering the gills or...

Jubilee Waxcap

A rare and beautiful mushroom that should only be admired and photographed, never picked. It is a slimy, lilac/pink waxcap so easily identified and left in the field. I’m not...

Golden Waxcap

The Golden Waxcap is fairly common for a waxcap but still uncommon enough to not warrant picking these mushrooms. They can also be easily mistaken for other yellow waxcaps some...