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Mosaic Puffball

Edible Edible
Autumn Autumn
Summer Summer

Always a good find when out foraging from Summer through to Autumn. Last years ‘stumps’ can often be found as an indication that more will appear at some point in the year.

Mushroom Type
Common Names Mosaic Puffball (EN), Coden Fwg Fanfraith (CY), Czasznica Oczkowata (PL), Pikkelyes Pöfeteg (HU)
Scientific Name Lycoperdon utriforme
Synonyms Bovistella utriformis, Handkea utriformis, Calvatia utriformis, Lycoperdon bovista
Season Start Jul
Season End Oct
Average Mushroom height (CM) 12
Average Cap width (CM) 14
Please note that each and every mushroom you come across may vary in appearance to these photos.

Fruiting Body

The young fruit body is usually spherical with a ‘mosaic’ like pattern of scales, as it matures it becomes loaf shaped and the scales become ‘woolly’, these will disappear and it will become smooth and brown before releasing it’s spores. The brown ‘stump’ of a Mosaic puffball can often be found well into the following year.


Pure white and spongy.


Unimproved grasslands, fields, meadows and woodland edges.

Possible Confusion

Other white puffballs but this is not a concern as white Puffballs are edible as long as they are pure white throughout. The Giant Puffball (Langermannia gigantea) is pictured.

Spore Print

The spores start inside the mushroom off white and change to yellow, darkening until they are brown and ready to be released.

Taste / Smell

A fairly tasty mushroom if picked before the flesh discolours.


Occasional but can be found in large numbers in the right conditions.

Other Facts

The Mosaic Puffball has antibiotic properties and is affective against a number of bacteria.


2 comments for Mosaic Puffball

  1. David Hedges says:

    Quite tasty. Just microwaved with a knob of butter after peeling and slicing. Field Mushrooms growing in amongst the Mosaic Puffballs.

    1. Mihaly Vizhanyo says:

      Try to deep fried, similar to breaded coat 🙂
      10-15 mm slices.

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