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Cauliflower Fungus

This odd looking though tasty woodland fungus maybe tricky to clean, but it is very easy to identify....

Oak Polypore

A very rare big size, annual polypore. One of the four species listed in Schedule 8. of Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), so it is illegal to pick or even...

Shaggy Scalycap

The Shaggy Scalycap or Shaggy Pholiota can grow in large clusters and feels dry for a Pholiota. The scales on the cap and stem are from a universal veil which...

Heath Waxcap

A rather pale and slimy Waxcap found on Heaths or shortly cropped grass, particularly where moss is also growing. There are two forms of Heath Waxcap that can be found...

Jelly Tooth

The Jelly Tooth can be found at any time of year but is much more likely to be found from early Autumn to Winter....

Suede Bolete

A non distinctive, often hard to identify member of the Xerocomus genus that can be quite variable in colour....

Pine Bolete

A great tasting mushroom that looks and tastes like the Penny Bun, the slight differences are the cap being red/brown instead of dark brown and the off white, slightly red...

Splendid Waxcap

A beautiful mushroom that can hard to distinguish from the Crimson Waxcap. The surest way to tell them apart is by drying one as the Splendid Waxcap smells of honey...

Spotted Toughshank

A late Summer to late Autumn mushroom that lives by decomposing and feeding on leaf litter and other organic matter. Although not poisonous, the Spotted Toughshank is very bitter....

Woodland Inkcap

An ephemeral mushroom that can grow in very large clusters but soon melts to a thick, black, ink like liquid....