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Wild Garlic and Potato Frittata with Wild Mushrooms


A deliciously simple frittata of potato and wild garlic is topped with garlic-scented mushrooms. You can use any well-flavoured, firm fungi, but we’ve used pretty scarlet elf cups to make a special Valentine’s breakfast or brunch.

Serves : 2
Prep : 5 minutes
Cook : 20 minutes
  • 100g scarlet elf cups (about two handfuls)
  • 200g small waxy salad potatoes, scrubbed
  • 2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 20g wild garlic (about a small handful), washed and drained
  • 4 free-range eggs
  • 3 tablespoons grated parmesan (or vegetarian alternative)
  • 1 clove garlic
  • A little lemon juice


  1. Clean the scarlet elf cups using a small brush to remove any dirt or detritus. Wipe away any mud using dampened kitchen paper, and cut any large mushrooms into pieces.
  2. Cut the potatoes into thin slices, no thicker than a pound coin. Set a 20cm frying pan (one that can go under the grill) over a medium heat. Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, a generous pinch of salt, and the sliced potatoes. Toss the potatoes around in the oil and then shuffle them into an even layer. Keep the heat fairly low, cover the pan with any lid that will fit, and let the potatoes cook gently for around 10 minutes, until they are tender when tested with a knife.
  3. While the potatoes are cooking, roughly chop the wild garlic. When the potatoes are tender, add the wild garlic and stir well to mix, being careful not to break up the potatoes too much. Cook gently until the wild garlic is wilted but still bright green, for a about three minutes. Scrape the contents of the pan onto a plate to cool slightly.
  4. Crack the eggs into a roomy bowl. Add some seasoning and whisk well until frothy. Stir in two tablespoons of parmesan, and add the cooled potatoes and wild garlic. Mix well, being gentle so as not the break the potatoes.
  5. Preheat your overhead grill to its highest setting. Put the frying pan back over medium heat and add half a tablespoon of olive oil. When the pan is well heated, pour in the egg mixture, gently moving the potatoes and wild garlic around to distrubute them evenly. Cook gently until the egg is just set, then put the pan under the grill to cook the top. Watch carefully, and when the frittata is puffed up and golden brown on top, remove the pan from under the heat. Loosen the frittata around the edge with a palette knife and lift the omelette onto a plate lined with kitchen paper.
  6. Working quickly now, cook the mushrooms. Set the pan over medium heat again, and add the last tablespoon of olive oil and the butter. Using the side of the blade of a knife, flatten the garlic clove and put the whole thing, skin and all, into the foaming butter-and-oil. Cook for a minute or so, until the garlic is fragrant and turning golden, then remove it from the pan and add the mushrooms. Fry them until they begin to soften, about 3 minutes, stirring them now and then, but not too frequently so that they take on a little colour. Season with salt, pepper, and a few drops of lemon juice.
  7. Cut the frittata into 4 wedges. Put two wedges onto each plate, and top each plateful with half the mushrooms. Scatter over the remaining parmesan, and serve.


Recipe and photos by Otherwise for Wild Food UK

Forager's Cookbook


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