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A common deadly poisonous plant from the Apiaceae or Umbellifer family that will tolerate many different environments and conditions....

Lords and Ladies

Very common and while not strictly poisonous they contain oxalate crystals which are very sharp and can penetrate and irritate skin for a long time and if consumed can cause...

Fool's Parsley

Another poisonous fern leaved Apiaceae although this one is not considered as toxic as Hemlock. It is the only member of the Aethusa genus....

Wild Chervil

This plant is very invasive and can be a real problem for arable farmers as well as taking over roadside verges and hedgerow bases....

Hemlock Water Dropwort

The most poisonous plant in the UK and very common along most of our waterways.

Himalayan Balsam

This non native plant, introduced by the Victorians, is quickly becoming more common due to its seed dispersal and as it can grow from seed to two and a half...

Wild Carrot

Although the leaves and roots of Wild Carrot are similar to Hemlock the flowers and forked leaf bracts under the flowers will save confusion with Hemlock and other Umbellifers. The...

Stagshorn Plantain

Common and in a mild winter will grow year round. The plant can tolerate salty conditions so is more often found in coastal areas.

Wood Avens

Very common anywhere shady and we can’t think of any woods or hedgerows that don’t have some growing somewhere....


A lovely addition to any salad with its succulent, delicate flavour.