Protected Fungi in the UK

Below is the DEFRA list of protected Fungi in the UK as of the 11th December 2013.

Please take care when picking any fungi, lichen or plant to make sure you know what it is first. Otherwise you may well be picking from one of the rare protected species.

We will endevour to add photos to this list to help you as and when they are made available to us

Scientific Name Common Name Taxonomy England Scotland Wales N Ireland
Amanita friabilis Fragile Amanita fungus (non lichenised) Y N Y N
Armillaria ectypa Marsh Honey Fungus fungus (non lichenised) Y Y Y Y
Bankera fuligineoalba Drab Tooth fungus (non lichenised) Y Y N N
Battarrea phalloides Sandy Stilt Puffball fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Boletopsis perplexa Black Falsebolete fungus (non lichenised) N Y N N
Boletus immutatus Constant Bolete fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Boletus pseudoregius The Pretender fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Boletus regius Royal Bolete fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Boletus rhodopurpureus Oldrose Bolete fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Boletus torosus Brawny Bolete fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Bovista paludosa Fen Puffball fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Calocybe onychina Lilac Domecap fungus (non lichenised) N Y N N
Cantharellus friesii Orange Chanterelle fungus (non lichenised) Y Y N N
Cantharellus melanoxeros Blackening Chanterelle fungus (non lichenised) Y Y N N
Chlorencoelia versiformis Flea’s Ear fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Chrysomyxa pirolata Wintergreen Rust fungus (non lichenised) Y Y Y N
Clavaria purpurea Purple Spindles fungus (non lichenised) Y Y N N
Cotylidia pannosa Woolly Rosette fungus (non lichenised) Y N Y N
Entoloma bloxamii Big Blue Pinkgill fungus (non lichenised) Y Y Y Y
Geastrum berkeleyi Berkeley’s Earthstar fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Geastrum corollinum Weathered Earthstar fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Geastrum elegans Elegant Earthstar fungus (non lichenised) Y N Y N
Geastrum minimum Tiny Earthstar fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Geoglossum atropurpureum Dark-purple Earthtongue fungus (non lichenised) Y Y Y Y
Gomphus clavatus Pig’s Ear fungus (non lichenised) N N N N
Hericium coralloides Coral Tooth fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Hericium erinaceus Bearded Tooth fungus (non lichenised) Y N Y N
Hohenbuehelia culmicola Marram Oyster fungus (non lichenised) Y Y Y N
Hydnellum aurantiacum Orange Tooth fungus (non lichenised) N Y N Y
Hydnellum caeruleum Blue Tooth fungus (non lichenised) N Y N N
Hydnellum concrescens Zoned Tooth fungus (non lichenised) Y Y Y Y
Hydnellum ferrugineum Mealy Tooth fungus (non lichenised) Y Y N N
Hydnellum peckii Devil’s Tooth fungus (non lichenised) N Y N N
Hydnellum scrobiculatum Ridged Tooth fungus (non lichenised) Y Y Y N
Hydnellum spongiosipes Velvet Tooth fungus (non lichenised) Y Y Y Y
Hygrocybe spadicea Date-coloured Waxcap fungus (non lichenised) Y Y Y N
Hygrophorus pudorinus Rosy Woodwax fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Hypocreopsis lichenoides Willow Gloves fungus (non lichenised) Y N Y N
Hypocreopsis rhododendri Hazel Gloves fungus (non lichenised) Y Y N N
Lyophyllum favrei Gilded Domecap fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Microglossum olivaceum Earth-tongue fungus (non lichenised) Y Y Y Y
Mycena renati Beautiful Bonnet fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Myriostoma coliforme Pepper Pot fungus (non lichenised) N N N N
Nyssopsora echinata Spignel Rust fungus (non lichenised) N Y N N
Phellodon confluens Fused Tooth fungus (non lichenised) Y Y Y N
Phellodon melaleucus Grey Tooth fungus (non lichenised) Y Y Y N
Phellodon niger Black Tooth fungus (non lichenised) Y Y N N
Phellodon tomentosus Woolly Tooth fungus (non lichenised) Y Y Y N
Pholiota astragalina Conifer Scalycap fungus (non lichenised) Y U N N
Phylloporus pelletieri Golden Gilled Bolete fungus (non lichenised) Y Y Y Y
Piptoporus quercinus Oak Polypore fungus (non lichenised) Y Y Y N
Podoscypha multizonata Zoned Rosette fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Poronia punctata Nail Fungus fungus (non lichenised) Y N Y N
Psathyrella caput-medusae Medusa Brittlestem fungus (non lichenised) U Y U N
Puccinia clintonii Lousewort Rust fungus (non lichenised) N Y N Y
Puccinia physospermi Bladder-seed Rust fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Puccinia scorzonerae Scorzonera Rust fungus (non lichenised) Y N Y N
Puccinia septentrionalis Alpine Rust fungus (non lichenised) N Y N N
Puccinia thesii Bastard-toadflax Rust fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Sarcodon glaucopus Greenfoot Tooth fungus (non lichenised) N Y N N
Sarcodon scabrosus Bitter Tooth fungus (non lichenised) Y Y N N
Sarcodon squamosus Scaly Tooth fungus (non lichenised) Y Y N N
Sarcodontia crocea Orchard Tooth fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Sarcosphaera coronaria Violet Crowncup fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Stephanospora caroticola Carroty False Truffle fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Stropharia hornemannii Conifer Roundhead fungus (non lichenised) N Y N N
Tephrocybe osmophora Sweet Greyling fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Tracya hydrocharidis Frogbit Smut fungus (non lichenised) U N U U
Tremella moriformis Mulberry Brain fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N
Tremellodendropsis tuberosa Ashen Coral fungus (non lichenised) Y N Y N
Tricholoma colossus Giant Knight fungus (non lichenised) N Y N N
Tricholoma robustum Robust Knight fungus (non lichenised) N Y N N
Tulostoma melanocyclum Scaly Stalkball fungus (non lichenised) Y N Y N
Tulostoma niveum Stalked Puffball fungus (non lichenised) N Y N N
Urocystis colchici Colchicum Smut fungus (non lichenised) Y N Y N
Urocystis primulicola Bird’s-eye Primrose Smut fungus (non lichenised) Y U N N
Uromyces gentianae Felwort Rust fungus (non lichenised) Y N N N