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The Latin name Lunaria means moon like and refers to the shape and appearance of the seedpods.
The Pheasant Berry was brought over by the Victorians from the Himalayas or South West China and has toffee tasting berries when ripe but are dreadful and very bitter before...
There are three species of this thorny evergreen growing in the UK, Common, Western and Dwarf Gorse. They are members of Faboideae, a subfamily of Fabaceae which is the Pea...
The nuts of this tree need no introduction, but the green fruits of early Summer also have a lot to offer to the forager. These green fruits ooze a strongly...
Available year round and common around many coastal areas Sea Radish is an easy to recognise member of the cabbage family particularly when the seed pods are present.
Meadow Bindweed is a member of the Morning Glory or Convolvulaceae family and contains poisonous alkaloids including pseudotropine. It can be a real problem for other plants as it can...
Hedge Bedstraw is similar in looks and taste to Cleavers but lacks the hooked hairs and general roughness so is good to eat raw or it can be used to...
This member of the Gooseberry family does grow wild in the UK but they don’t produce as many and as large fruits as the garden and allotment hybrids which have...
Not as poisonous as was once thought but can still cause vomiting, lethargy, frothing at the mouth and convulsions. There are many species of Laburnum and some hybrids, all of...
A common plant with showy edible flowers and edible leaves. Unfortunately it often grows in locations where dog wee can be an issue....