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Rough Chervil

This widespread and common member of the apiacea or carrot family looks very much like edible wild chervil but it is poisonous. The scientific name temulum means drunken alluding to...


Salsify is an easily identified if not always easily spotted biennial plant coming in two distinct species. It grows in meadows to about 1m tall with very grass like stems...


The pimpernels, yellow, scarlet, and blue to name a few, although not closely related (actually in the primula family) are very similar in appearance to the chickweeds but with clear...

Good King Henry

One of the goosefoots, a good edible leafy vegetable in the Chenopodioideae (Latin = goosefoot) family which includes spinach, quinoa, orache, and around 22 other genuses. It produces prolific leaves...

Crown Vetch

A striking and beautiful plant, crown vetch is poisonous. Introduced and planted as a fodder crop for ruminants it has escaped and is found in the wild. In the USA...


Looking very like a slightly over-ripe blackberry this plant is easily overlooked as just another bramble. The waxy coating on the berries gives them their name can also make them...

Mouse-Eared Chickweed

There are anything up to 20 species, sub species and varieties of Mouse-ear/Cerastium sp in the UK. They are all very similar to Common Chickweed but hairy rather than having...

Green Alkanet

Green alkanet is a common weed of gardens and grows prolifically where ever it has a chance. Easily confused with borage or comfrey but with clear differences, it is in...

Lily of the Valley

This is a plant with a scent much beloved in previous generations but it could be mistaken for wild garlic and is potentially deadly. It lives in the same habitat,...


The nuts of this tree need no introduction, but the green fruits of early Summer also have a lot to offer to the forager. These green fruits ooze a strongly...